Love 4 Paws
Canine Rehabilitation Therapy
Underwater Treadmill
We are the first and only facility in the Fredericton area with a specialized Canine Underwater Treadmill.
Underwater treadmills can be used for Fitness and Sports conditioning, to build muscle mass and strength, as well as endurance.
Underwater Treadmills can also be used as one part of a Canine Rehabilitation program to relieve pain, decrease swelling and stiffness, maintain or increase strength and muscle mass, increasing Range of Motion in joints, improving circulation, tissue healing and increase endurance.
Typical conditions that benefit from the Underwater Treadmill:
- soft tissue injuries
- osteoarthritis
- degenerative joint disease
- hip or elbow dysplasia
- cranial cruciate ligament issues
- post-surgery
- TPLO, Extra-capsular repair
- FHO, TPO, Total hip replacement
- neurologic impairment
- senior or geriatric care
- amputee care
- weight loss
- fitness
- sports conditioning
Underwater Treadmill sessions can start as early as 14 days post-surgery or when sutures are removed, for many orthopedic surgeries. Walking on the Underwater Treadmill post-surgery is considered safer than walking dogs on land.
Why walk in water?
Canine Rehabilitation therapists use the buoyant property of water to increase or decrease the amount of weight bearing on dogs joints. The therapist is able to raise or lower the treadmill's water level depending on your dog's height, condition and athletic level. The treadmill can also be used to retrain a pet to have a proper gait after an injury or surgery. The buoyancy of the water will also reduce the weight bearing for overweight dogs, helping them to exercise and be able gain strength, endurance and lose weight, without putting a lot of stress on their joints.
The other unique effect of the underwater treadmill is the ability to vary the speed. The therapist chooses the starting speed based on the height of the dog and how much exertion is appropriate. A small dog needs a slower pace, as well as dog's with severe mobility issues. Faster speeds are appropriate for dogs that are taller, and those advanced in their conditioning or rehabilitation programs. While size determines starting speed, the rate of exercise is dictated by the animals physical condition and needs.